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About Us

Plastic Recycling for those who care to think about Environment and save Cost

Recycled Bottle Planter

Our Journey

​We are passionate about plastic recycling and we are contributing our part for the last 30 years. We are reprocessing various types of Polypropylene (PP) and Polypropylene Co-polymer (PPCP). We have learned to retain the Quality of the material to its maximum extent whereby it can be re-used as a supplement to the virgin polymer. We classify the recycled resin based on its mechanical properties. We control all essential parameters like MFI, Filler Content, Tensile Strength, Impact Strength, and Color to its maximum extent.

It is challenging to collect various grades of plastic scrap material, sort, wash and reprocess. Over the period of time, we have specialized in Automotive PPCP of High and Medium Impact. Various grades of HDPE and LDPE with less then 1 MFI are available in various colors. We are currently deliverling across Northern region and aspiring to diversify into newer territories. 


Since the inception, we have recycled large quantities of plastic grades with consistent Quality and on-time deliveries.  

Pressure Testing


Years of Recycling, Reprocessing Experience


Monthly Recycling Capacity


High Quality Recycled Grades

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