Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions (“Terms”) are a set of legal terms defined by the owner of a website which is "REPOLYMERS.IN". They set forth the terms and conditions governing the activities of the website visitors on the said website and the relationship between the site visitors and the website owner.
We have tried our best to make the website safe and informative for browsing but in case any site visitor finds the website content, flow, or data intrusive, incorrect, or not as desired, the visitor is requested to immediately exit the website. Site visitors must indemnify the website owner from any risk of using the information contained herein. The site visitor must browse the website for informative purposes only and it is not recommended that the site visitor take any decision based on the understanding gained from the website alone.
The website is not designed for specially-abled site visitors so we do not owe any liability for making it compatible immediately or near future. However, we are happy to support through discussion and resolve the queries.
Any resemblance to name, content, images, workflows, designs etc is purely coincidental and every caution has been taken to ensure no warranties, copyright or infringement happens. Still, we are open to taking any content off our website if it is justified.
Any dispute arising, if any; be settled as per the laws of India within Faridabad's jurisdiction.
These terms can be modified at any time without any reason or reference.
In case of any query, please be in touch with the email provided at the bottom of the website.
Happy Browsing...